Bolingbrook’s (Abandoned) Railroad

Pic taken July 2016. In 1960, the Atchison Topeka & Santa Fe Railway Purchased many hundreds of acres of land in southwest DuPage County and northeast Will County, Illinois, to develop into an industrial park that would become known as the Santa Fe Argonne Industrial District. While named after the adjacent Laboratory, it was a different spur than the line which served the laboratory directly. The line south of Internationale Pkwy in 2016. Evidenced by the lack of photos of the line in action, it was a relatively inconsequential railroad spur within the US Railroad Network, but for me, it was the most interesting thing a five year old interested in trains could stumble upon. My town actually had railroad service once upon a time! Much like my photography skills, which albeit are still not great. As a little kid, I had the fortune of growing up miles away from the BNSF Railway Metra Line, the “Racetrack” as railfans call it for its extremely busy mainline, consisting of M...